To celebrate safety equipment: fire emergency six
First, we should call the police early, and the earlier the alarm, the smaller the loss. We should bear in mind the "119" fire alarm phone.
Two, the first fire when the most likely to extinguish, before the fire engines have not arrived. If you can concentrate on the rescue, often can change danger into safety, through.
Three, first fire, and then transfer property, a moment delay, easy to catastrophe. In case of fire, it is not appropriate to rescue the property first, suffocate easily or lose the chance to escape.
Four, heavy and calm, strict order, in order to safe retreat in the fire. If scrambling, crowding each other, blocking the channel, leading to self trampling, will cause undue tragedy.
Five, down the corridor was sealed by fire, want to escape without road, the sheets and tablecloths torn into cloth, forming a rope, fasten the window, and then cloth to protect the palm of the hand, slide down the rope.
Six, adjacent room fire, 10 million do not open the door, should jump into the window balcony, shouting rescue or use the former law escape. Otherwise, the hot smoke take advantage of a weak point suffocating.